Find the best hacks and Cheats for Black Ops 2 - Multiplayer mode included
We miss such a tab than press it shows us the score of the game, or that for example in the gusts of air raid, in which shows a map of the stage we choose specific places that we can bomb, we could do it by pressing directly on the screen with your finger and choose very accurately where you want dropping bombs. In fact in the game you get a kind of tablet to do this, marking the objectives with the finger, what would have been curious to replicate in Wii U command. In any case they have at least given more applications to the GamePad in the multiplayer than in the campaign, and as we have said choosing classes or activate using gusts touchscreen is quite comfortable, but also anecdotal. Looking for a good aimbot or wall hack for Black Ops 2 ?
With regard to comfort, say that of all launch games we have not had any problem with the GamePad, except with this. The placement of hands, especially as separate and extended fingers, not seems entirely comfortable, especially in a game that is as demanding as this in their online modes. Don't know if it will be getting used to or a persistent problem, but I wanted to comment. They are also many hours playing with the controls of the Xbox 360 and PS3, and resizing on this remote control is quite radical. Make it clear that Black Ops II Wii u can play also with the Wii more remote a Nunchuk, with the gun, the Wii Zapper, with the classic controller, and the recommended option of all, the Pro Controller, an especially comfortable control.
In the technical section, visually it is exactly equal to that seen in Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, for good and evil, with the same 888 x 720 native resolution, but not so in regards to performance. If the version with the more stable rate of images is the X 360, always close to 60 fps, and the PlayStation 3 a little below in the vast majority of occasions in Wii U in more ambitious scenes, in large spaces and a large number of enemies and several explosions at the same time, loses out clearly. Something that happens in the campaign for a player, not in the multiplayer, where felt us that performance is nearly identical to the other versions. Download this amazing black ops 2 cheats from the official website:
We are talking about that sometimes there can be up to 15 or 20 fps difference regarding seen on Xbox 360, but we want to make it clear that it is not a constant, they are specific moments, although leave note in the gameplay. And truth, a graphics engine that is as old as this, and so undemanding, should move smoothly on most modern hardware like Wii U, so it shows that not they have worked hard too in this conversion, although at first glance it looks practically as in other consoles.
And surely it is for a long time, since it carries sweeping several years on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Having a shooter of this quality in the launch of a console is a luxury, in one of the best conversions so far for Wii U, only overshadowed by problems with images in the campaign rate for a player, and wasted the remote display, which only is used, although it has the valuable option to play two local playersone on television and the other on the GamePad. About is for tomorrow check that the console comes out officially behaves this with the online modes, and if there are enough players to play games, but if you like the first person shooter and multiplayer modes, Black Ops II Wii u is virtually indispensable.