Download the new Warface Aimbot for free!
So all the good ideas that had have not been supported with a solid playable system and not a technical section at the height. In games we have found a lot of bugs, but without a doubt the most annoying are the network problems that leave you sold under more than one heading. Supposedly, its developers know the problems thanks to the community and are working to solve them as soon as possible. The lag and the messages informing players that their connections have problems forcing them to leave the game or leaving them without being able to move or shoot are not strangers in these first days of life of the game. Hopefully a patch that solvent these problems as soon as possible, since in a game online it is vital that the above incidents are resolved urgently. Get the new Warface Aimbot for your PC.
In the technical section we have also suffered a disappointment and confirmed what they could already see in the beta: the graphics engine does not size. At a time in which the next generation is already underway, and when we have seen real wonders rolling on Xbox 360 we wonder that Crytek has not managed to get most of the console of Microsoft at the time of launch Warface Xbox 360 Edition. It is visually quite poor, with a bad visual optimization and some very pixelated graphics that will make us ask ourselves in what year we are. We think that one longer development to Polish the visual environment was necessary because the end result is rather disappointing. For its part, the soundtrack Yes so notable and very successful as the sound effects that accompany the action. The voices arrive perfectly folded into Spanish, which facet audio Yes approved with certain solvency.
We are fully aware that we cannot demand the same thing to a game of Free-to-Play than to a retail release, but we can not hide that Warface Xbox 360 Edition has been below what we expected. The bugs that presents, together with the irregular graphics and network problems are a hardly excusable ballast. In his favour he has is entertaining, with many customization options and option to play with colleagues in cooperative and competitive modes. You can get this warface aimbot from this website By content, we have a great product, although unfortunately its staging was not entirely successful. With a couple of patches and some other arrangement, are facing an online shooter that can be amusing - although very generic - and that you can play for free. A recommended release for those who are hungry for shooters and do not want to spend their savings, although we do not advise it in the event that you want to pay for content, since there are other alternatives in the market within the infinitely superior to Warface genre. If you want to play offline or have a good time with your friends, perhaps Warface - when you do not have problems of network - can help you.